March 29, 2007

Seek God's Kingdom & God Provides

We just finished our gathering for 'thirst' tonight. The feedback was that Miss Katie's Diner is a great location, so we'll be here next time too on April 12th (9pm). Tonight, I thought I'd share with you all, who are keeping eyes on us, what a sample conversation at 'thirst' is like. In faith networking, we share where our journeys have taken us; we walk together in God's presence, then we go our various ways along our paths knowing we're held in prayer. Tonight's theme was God providing for our needs when we seek first God's kingdom in our world.

"My journey the past few weeks has taken me through . . ."
"Lately I've felt the urge to break the mold of . . ."
"I saw Jesus (doing) . . ."
Journey Together:
READ: MATTHEW 6: 25-33

"I hear Holy Spirit guiding my journey by telling me . . ."
"(Name), when I listen to your story in light of scripture, I sense God is . . . "
"I'm surprised by . . ."
(Time permitting, READ: Genesis 22: 1-8 and journey together.)

"(Name), what you shared about _________ spoke to me by . . ."
"(Name), until the next 'thirst' I'll be praying for you about . . ."

Don't forget to post your thoughts on this blog for what you're thirsting for, where your journey has taken you, and what suggestions you have for themes at the next 'thirst'.

Kevan D Penvose, M.Div, S.T.M.
Discipleship Coach for Family Ministries
St. Stephen the Martyr Lutheran Church
6101 S 51st Street Greendale, WI 53129
work: 414.421.3543 home: 414.258.0858


K said...

It is very difficult to read the top writing on the website. Could you please change the font? Thanks!

GMS Young Adults said...

I wish I could change the font in the header. Unfortunately, we use a standard template from blogspot that automatically uses that font. I'm not aware of a way to over ride it. But I did edit the paragraph to take up less space, hoping that makes it a little easier to read. Thanks for the comment.